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Indie Game Sim

Become an indie game developer!

Indie Game Sim is a simulation game made by Lost Decade Games. Make your own games by hand and publish them on a fantasy market like Steam. Easily create games using the Djinn Game Editor, and publish them on Vault, the #1 online game store. Indie Game Sim lets you make your own games for fame and fortune. Garner new fans, receive harsh reviews, and learn from your mistakes to become the best developer you can. Play games made by competing developers to unlock their secrets and use them in your own games. But beware! Darkness is just around the corner, and has some concerning questions for you … Earn fans, receive brutal reviews, and battle your inner demons. Can you become the creator of your dreams?

Game Info

Release Date: 8 December, 2016
Developer: Lost Decade Games
Publisher: Lost Decade Games
Genre: Indie, Simulation
Rating: 66/100

Website of Indie Game Sim

Indie Game Sim

System Requirements

Minimum Specifications

OS: Win 7
CPU: 3GHz Dual Core
GRAPHIC: Dedicated graphics card
HDD: 0.2 GB

Recommended Specifications

OS: Win 7 64
CPU: 3GHz Dual Core
GRAPHIC: Dedicated graphics card
HDD: 0.2 GB

Game Features:

  • Become the game developer of your dreams.
  • Create games using the Djinn Game Editor
  • Play games made by competing developers to unlock their secrets
  • Earn fans, receive brutal reviews, and battle your inner demons.

Indie Game Sim Trailer

Indie Game Sim Review:

8.3 Total Score

Indie Game Sim captures the essence of indie dev, shorn of a thousand boring details. It's like the playable equivalent of Indie Game: The Movie, with good mechanics and a strong message, combined to create a great package. The gameplay is pretty fun. You mainly design, test, and play a variety of platforming levels or "games", and then publish your work on the market to make money to purchase additional assets to make your next game even better! The game plays out in three modes. First, you create your levels from an ever-increasing list of blocks. Like minecraft in miniature, as you progress through the game you unlock new blocks and discover new ways of combining old blocks to create levels that will challenge you and your players. Really enjoyed this game. Fun, creative and personal, all the hallmarks of a great gaming experience.

User Rating: 5 (2 votes)